
Wrap Your Week Up Right

by | 16 Mar 2023 | Business Tips | 0 comments

How do you wrap up your week?

Are you madly cramming five days worth of work into the final few hours?

When I worked in the corporate world, I was that annoying girl who clocked off before everyone else. I drove my teammates mad as I hovered at their desk, wine in hand, hurrying them up so I had someone to play with.

Now I don’t work on Friday afternoons at all.

It is entirely possible to head into the weekend feeling accomplished but it hinges on how you structure your day on Friday. Friday is not the day to cram a week’s worth of work into. If there is any day to keep some white space in your schedule, Friday is it.

Here’s how I typically wrap up my week:

Life Admin Power Hour 
I kick off with a Life Admin Power Hour. Think tasks such as insurance renewals, paying kids sport fees, ordering books, filling in forms, online banking. I batch all of these together throughout the week (saved in my ADMIN TO DO email folder) and rip through them in one go on Friday morning. Ticking off a whole bunch of quick tasks first thing gives me momentum for the day and it segues nicely into…

Finance Friday
Given I am in the Admin Zone, I take care of my business finances on Friday mornings too. This is when I do my invoicing, bank reconciliation, chase outstanding payments, pay bills, etc.

Success Tracking
With my invoicing done, I review my sales tracker. I can clearly see my wins or any red flags and it gives me a chance to take action and fix things through my actions the following week.
Keeping a close eye on my numbers on a weekly basis prevents any surprises at the end of the month.

Follow Up Friday
I was introduced to this habit by my clever client Abbie White and it is now a non-negotiable weekly practice. It takes between five and twelve interactions to convert a lead to a paying customer. 25% of people follow up a lead once then stop!! The secret to business success is in the follow up. So I round out my week with emails or phone calls with leads or clients I haven’t connected with in a while.

Calendar Review
I do this for the week ahead so that there are no meetings left unconfirmed, giving me time to fill any potential gaps or move things around.

Digital Clearing
I respond to outstanding emails, clean out my PENDING email folder and file away any digital files to stop my desktop from becoming an eyesore.

To Dos for Monday
In order to switch off entirely I write my To Do list for Monday before I finish up for the week.
I will often also prepare a To Do list for my weekend so I can ensure balance between my domestic responsibilities with the fun stuff.

Once all of that’s all done, it’s time for Friday Fun Time!

Which of these can you integrate into your Friday? Perhaps you are already doing some of them? Or do you have other strategies that ensure you kick start the weekend fabulous and un-frazzled?

Would you like more freedom, time, and space to enjoy what matters most to you – in business and life? Drop me an email at michelle@michellebroadbent.com.au and let’s have a chat about how I can support you to reset the way you operate your business and make this happen.


Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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