
What Do You Need to Release this Year?

by | 3 Jan 2024 | Business Tips | 0 comments

“Don’t be upset by the results that you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do”

Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn’t it?

As we kick off another year, you may still be feeling the impact of particular habits, thoughts, people, practices that didn’t serve you well last year.

The new year is a brilliant opportunity to hit the reset button and nothing lays the foundation for change better than a good clean out. While many people are busy decluttering their wardrobes, it’s also an ideal time to declutter your business.

When you think about what you want the year to look like for you – what you need to let go of to make that happen.

Is it a service that fills you with dread every time you are asked to deliver it?

Is it a supplier or contractor who just isn’t meeting your expectations anymore?

Perhaps it’s that legacy client where every encounter with them sucks the joy out of you?

Maybe it’s a product that is no longer profitable?

It’s natural for you and your business to evolve.

It’s not “wrong” or “reckless” to make changes in order to create the business of your dreams. You’re the boss of you and you get to decide.

Don’t let this year be a repeat of the last one. Now is the perfect time to make decisions and take action on creating the year that you want.

And if you need someone to work through this with you, you know where I am 😉


Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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