
Perimenopause & Business | Episode 80

by | 17 Oct 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

When you hear the word menopause, you may think it’s something that happens when you become an “old lady”.

I didn’t realise until it was way too late that menopause is just a date. It’s perimenopause which can last up to 10 years before you go through menopause that has the wildest impact on us as women and it’s something that rarely been talked about until now.

As a typical listener of this podcast, statistically you may already be in perimenopause (or not too far off). There is no avoiding the impact it will have on your health, your relationships, your ability to run your business, your confidence. It’s monumental.

This month is Menopause Month, I thought it would be perfect timing to have a chat with proud Peri-warrior Shelly Horton on to have a chat. Shelly is a journalist, TV presenter, keynote speaker, MC, she runs her own business – ShellShocked Media.

Shelly and I have a really open, honest discussion about the impact of perimenopause on her life and her ability to build her business, what prompted her to start sharing her experience and what has happened as a result of her sharing.

We also talk about what action needs to be taken in our workplaces and Shelly and her bestie Dr Ginni Mansberg have created Don’t Sweat It, an online program about managing and supporting perimenopause and menopause in the workplace.

You can see from the episode duration that this is a long one but it is incredibly valuable as every woman will go through this.

**Trigger warning: miscarriage, divorce, depression and suicidal thoughts.**

**Neither Shelly or Michelle are medical professionals. The material discussed is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please seek advice from a medical professional. And if you are not getting the help you seek, contact HERE 

Don’t Sweat It

Follow Shelly on Instagram 

To connect with Shelly

Michelle Broadbent
Connect with me via email at michelle@michellebroadbent.com.au

Follow @michbroadbent on Instagram



Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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