
How to Simplify Your Business Systems

by | 25 Feb 2022 | Business Tips | 0 comments

I spend a lot of time supporting women as they are building their business and the ones who can grow quickly and sustainably have their systems locked and loaded.

You can fly by the seat of your pants only for a certain amount of time and then it all comes undone in spectacular fashion (usually at the expense of an amazing business opportunity).

Systems provide a safe foundation for growth.

Systems provide scaffolding for creativity. With all the functional things taken care of, it enables you to spend your time thinking and dreaming of ways to build your business.

Systems give you visibility in your business.

Systems help you work smarter – not harder, moving you from survival mode to sanity.

I’m going to share a secret with you, many people make this way more complicated than it needs to be.

Systems are, put simply, “the way things are done around here”

So when you think of creating systems for your business, stick to the basics…

What needs doing and by when and how should it be done.

Don’t get fixated on expensive software or apps or complicate things with sophisticated automations before you get the basics down pat.

It’s about getting what is inside your head OUT. Break down each step and capture it in one place – the Source of Truth.

The most effective systems are the simple ones – the ones that are usable and don’t create mountains of extra work. A system is pointless if it’s not used.

I have a brilliant tool to help make it systemising your business simple and pain-free. Your Business Control Centre captures all the vital information in your business and the relevant documentation linked to those things. This becomes your Source of Truth.

You can download Your Business Control Centre here: https://www.michellebroadbent.com.au/controlcentre/

To listen to Your Business Boost podcast episode on Simplifying Systems, go to


Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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