
Be The Boss of Your Time | Episode 44

by | 31 Jan 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

What would your Winning Week look like?

What would you spend your time doing? When would you do those things that are most important to you?

Or does the idea of having control over your own time feel completely alien to you?

In this episode, I share how it is absolutely possible for you to create your Winning Week.

Your Winning Week is the blueprint for accommodating time and space for all the important areas of your life, so you are not spending your time in reactive mode.

You CAN put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life and be the boss of your time this year.

Download Your Winning Week template here

Michelle Broadbent

Contact Michelle at: michelle@michellebroadbent.com.au

Follow @michbroadbent on Instagram



Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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