
What Type of Support Should I Bring Into My Business? | Episode 12

by | 21 Jun 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

You know that in order to grow your business you can’t do everything yourself. 

Thankfully there are VAs, PAs, EAs, OBMs, Office Managers and a raft of other capable people who can help you in your business.

But where do you even start with all of this? How do you know what level of support is right for you? How much should you pay them? 

In today’s episode I am going to decipher all this terminology and share some important insights into how these different support people could help you as you build your business.

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Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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