
Simplify Your Business with Marissa Roberts | Episode 84

by | 14 Nov 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

My mission is to make running a business as pain free as possible. I love to uncomplicate the complicated and I’m a sucker for anything that can shrink a ten step process down to a couple of steps and get the same or even better outcome.

My guest in this episode is Marissa Roberts – a busy mum and business owner who only works 2 hours a day – that’s right, 2 hours! She loves helping other women simplify their businesses and their lives so they too can work less and enjoy life more.

She has some gold to share with you in this episode, including:

  1. How Marissa was able to simplify her business and life by working just 10 hours a week
  2. The tools and systems Marissa uses to automate her business and save her precious time
  3. How she utilises her website Contact Page to her reduce the number of emails she receives

“I’m not really that naturally organised. It was motherhood that awakened a really big passion in me to become organised”

Marissa is also the host of the Simpler Business Podcast.


Visit Marissa’s website: https://www.marissaroberts.com

Book recommendations:

‘Chill & Prosper’ by Denise Duffield-Thomas

‘Unrestricted’ by Tammy Guest


Episode Summary:

[00:00:04] – Michelle Broadbent is the host of the Business Boost podcast. She shares practical tools, advice and insights that will change the way you work. Michelle loves to decomplicate things that appear complicated. Michelle’s guest today is on the same page as Michelle and has some gold to share with you around simplifying your business.

[00:01:15] – Marissa Roberts is a mum of two who built her first business by working just 10 hours a week. Now she works just 2 hours a day with a full day off every single week to go to the movies. She has her own podcast, the Simpler Business Podcast, which she releases every week.

[00:02:42] – After having kids, Michelle realized she needed to get organized. She’s not naturally organized, but she loves what she does and wants to focus on things that will give her more freedom around her time.

[00:04:31] – On average, she works 2 hours a day or 8 hours a week. Her business model is passive offers and affiliate offers that are also passive.

[00:11:34] – She recommends reviewing expenses regularly and upgrading or getting rid of subscriptions or some features.

[00:13:42] – The contact page on the website is the best way to reduce the number of emails you get from potential clients. The Frequently Asked Questions section on the contact page is useful for answering questions. The headshots on the contact page are useful for choosing a professional headshot for a podcast interview. The logins for all of her courses are on the page.

[00:18:07] – Marissa has advice to help business owners take a break this year. She suggests sending an announcement email to all of her private clients to let them know that she’s going on holiday and she won’t be available until this date. She also suggests scheduling out of her content.

[00:22:08] – Marissa’s recommendation to boost your business (and life) is ”Chill & Prosper” by Denise Duffield Thomas – an advocate for running your business in the most simple, chilled, lazy way.

[00:24:06] – Chill and Prospers is one of two books she recommends. The other one is called Unrestricted by Tammy Guest. Tammy is an entrepreneur who teaches people how to make their life an epic adventure and do really fun stuff in alignment with their business.


Other episodes you’ll enjoy: Ep 83 – Holiday Proof Your Business

Connect with Marissa

Follow @marissarobertsofficial on Instagram

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Michelle Broadbent

Connect with me via email at michelle@michellebroadbent.com.au

Follow @michbroadbent on Instagram




Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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