
Productising Your Expertise with Sharon Darmody | Episode 78

by | 3 Oct 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

I support many talented service providers – many of them known as leaders or the go-to woman in their fields. The industries they are in are vast stretching from creative fields like interior and workplace designers, stylists and photographers to health professionals including dieticians, speech therapists and midwives to, lawyers, financial planners, HR consultants, early childhood educators, coaches and management consultants.

One common struggle among most of these women is productising their expertise. It’s one thing to deliver their brilliance in a 1:1, consultative way but it’s a whole other beast developing their expert framework and building a product offering off the back of it. It’s not for everyone but it is definitely a way of positioning yourself as an industry expertise or thought leader.

Today I am going to introduce you to one of my clients who has done just that while we have worked together.

Sharon Darmody is an organisational consultant and mediator, specialising in Workplace Health and Wellbeing. With more than 25 years experience, Sharon has seen what has worked and what hasn’t in our workplaces.

Right now, work is not working, it hasn’t been for a while now. Sharon is using her voice to offer a new work order – one that focuses on employee wellbeing. She has created her MAGIC framework that empowers teams and individuals to create a roadmap out of this broken way of working and make work work again.

Sharon is a mum, wife and owner of a busy, thriving business and the most perfect woman to have as a client because she does the work.

She asks me lots of questions and extracts every possible morsel of information from me. She is an information gatherer but she doesn’t just get that information – she takes action. She came to me with a goal that she had already committed to – to publish a book in 2023 – and that is exactly what is happening.

I have been very privileged to support Sharon and I really enjoyed our chat today where she not only shares her journey to creating her framework, building her personal brand and writing her book but she also gives us important insights into how we can thrive in our own workplaces.

Enjoy my chat with Sharon Darmody


Michelle Broadbent
Connect with me via email at michelle@michellebroadbent.com.au

Follow @michbroadbent on Instagram



Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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