
Mastering the Media with Liz Nable | Episode 96

by | 6 Feb 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

As small business owners, we don’t always have big budgets for marketing. With social media organic reach dwindling and the cost of digital ads increasing, we need to consider other tactics to get noticed by new clients and stay top of mind with our existing ones.

Becoming our own publicist and getting free media exposure is a great way to boost your business and it won’t cost you a cent. The value of great press can be worth thousands in terms of business opportunities so it is well worth the effort.

But how do we do it? What’s the magic formula?

My guest in this episode is Liz Nable, a former TV journalist turned entrepreneur. Like so many business owners, Liz had no formal business training when we started out. What she did have was a ton of media skills which she used to turn little-known brand fitness brand, Xtend Barre, into a household name here in Australia.

Liz now teaches other business owners how to be their own publicist – to seek, get and leverage media exposure to drive growth in their business and she is sharing her secrets with us today.

She dispels the myth that getting media coverage is illusive or exclusive to people with a high-profile. She removes all the smoke and mirrors to show us what action we can take to boost our business.

Join Liz’s Media Masters Academy here

Follow Liz on Insta or go to her website

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Michelle Broadbent
Connect with me via email at michelle@michellebroadbent.com.au

Follow @michbroadbent on Instagram


Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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