
Is Your Business Financially Fit? | Episode 30

by | 25 Oct 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

In this episode of ‘Your Business Boost’ podcast I sit down with financial expert, best-selling author and speaker, Mel Browne.  

Mel and I have both seen women who are overwhelmed in their business because their finances are not in order. Mel says, ‘There are so many reasons for this. Most women are passion focused and find dealing with money uncomfortable.’ The money story they hold for themselves also has a part to play. ‘We may not realise we are carrying these money stories but, they are absolutely unconsciously keeping our business’ small.’

 It’s about changing the narrative. So, how can we become better at owning our success? “It’s understanding the self-limiting beliefs and unpacking your self-worth’ says Mel. She encourages us to avoid language like; ‘my baby, ‘little’ and ‘just’ when talking about our businesses.  Why? Because this type of language can potentially stop you from taking a risk. 

If you want a sustainable business it needs to be able to pay you’ says Mel.  She shares her top tips for doing so. Understanding your numbers – marketing, leads, conversion rates, average sales, retention rates and your own wage. ‘The results of focusing on your finances are astonishing’ says Mel ‘it’s about choosing to be interested in this aspect of your business.’

Bravery goes hand in hand with business. Mel shares her own business journey as an ‘accidental entrepreneur’. She acknowledges she can’t do everything alone and we talk about the vital part that Mel’s ‘work-wife’ Lawsie has played in her story.  ‘She is able to be real with me. We challenge each other, have fun, we talk openly and most importantly, we have aligned goals’ says Mel.

Melissa Browne
Follow @moremoneyforshoes on Instagram

Michelle Broadbent
Connect with Michelle via email
Follow @michbroadbent on Instagram

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Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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