
Baby Proofing Your Business | Episode 23

by | 6 Sep 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Today’s guest is Hannah Statham, founder of  Media Mortar, a content marketing agency based in Brisbane. Last year I had the privilege of supporting both Hannah and her husband Chris as they prepared their businesses for the arrival of their gorgeous daughter Penny.

In our chat Hannah talks about how she went about how she weaned herself off her business, setting it up to succeed without her and how she did it on her own terms. And succeed it did! But I will let Hannah share the wins with you herself. 

Hannah has some fantastic tips and insights that she is sharing today. This is not just for parents-to-be – if you are ever going to have to step away from your business for a period of time, you are going to get so much from our chat.



Connect with Hannah: https://mediamortar.com.au/
Instagram: @hannahstatham 

Link to Hannah’s Recommended Readings: https://mediamortar.com.au/product/recommended-business-readings/

To register for my Quarterly Planning Retreat, visit: http://michellebroadbent.com.au/planningretreat


Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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