
A Life Boost from Lockdown | Episode 16

by | 19 Jul 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Right now there are lots of people who are struggling with various challenges (covid related and others). Rather than add to the doom and gloom, I wanted to share with you some of the strategies that I use in my life when the going gets tough.

This content is not prescriptive or “Michelle’s 5 Steps to Lockdown Success”. I’m hoping that by sharing what helps me, you may hear something that you could use to boost your life.


You can stay in touch after the podcast:

Follow me on Instagram for a daily dose of inspiration: https://www.instagram.com/michbroadbent

Or email me at michelle@michellebroadbent.com.au


Business Strategist. Business Advisor. Wing-Woman.

Providing female business owners with smart, strategic solutions to transform the way they operate their business, and life.




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