
Group Experiences

RESET with Your Wing Women

Your Wing Woman Program

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I love supporting women 1:1 but running your own business can be a very isolating experience. I was constantly asked by the women in my world to connect them to each other so I created my Wing Woman Program.

In this program, you get personalised, individual support from me in our 1:1 coaching sessions with the added benefit of being part of an intimate group of female entrepreneurs who are building their businesses alongside you.

The sharing of information, tips, insights, challenges, support and encouragement has elevated these women’s experience of running their business. There is strength that comes from knowing that there are others experiencing the same things as you, knowing that you are not alone.

Group programs are only as good as the women in them and I know there is nothing worse than feeling like you are either out of your comfort zone or still playing in the sandpit when you have grown past that. That’s why you and I have a 30 minute chat before anything happens – to make sure it’s for you.

Registrations are open!

Quarterly Planning Workshop – The Ultimate RESET to Supercharge Your Next Quarter

Whether you are a Planning Pro or new to optimising your time, you are going to get momentum on your business and life goals during this half-day workshop.

This is your chance to dedicate time to create your crystal-clear roadmap and take action to supercharge your next 90 days. And you have me to keep you on track and accountable.

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