Quarterly planning retreat, Michelle Broadbent

Does the fact that we are almost a whole quarter into the “new” year freak you out?


Are you feeling like you’ve had no chance to gain traction on the plans you made at the beginning of the year?


Don’t panic… I’m here to help


How would you like some uninterrupted time dedicated to getting your
business (and life) back on track for the second quarter of 2022?



This year is off to yet another crazy start and while we should be used to the disruption by now, your “best laid plans”’ for Q1 may not not come to fruition.


All is not lost.  You don’t need to throw all your plans out the window.


I am giving you the chance to spend dedicated, uninterrupted time to work on your business, putting you firmly in control for the remainder of the financial year.

Join me for my 

Quarterly Planning Day 

9.30am – 12.30pm (AEST)

Friday 1st April 2022

We are going to spend the morning together reflecting on the first quarter of the year and course correcting for the next one, setting intentions, making projections and hatching plans to hit those projections.


You will walk away with a crystal-clear roadmap to get you to the end of the financial year. And you have me to keep you on track and accountable.


You won’t leave our session without taking action on your plans. Why? Because action builds momentum and I want you to leave the workshop ready and raring to take on the second quarter of 2022.


PRICE: $297 + GST
(incl workbook, planning templates, checklists & other goodies I will be surprising you with)


EARLY BIRD PRICE: $222 +GST if you book before Monday 21st March.



Secure You Place Now by filling in your details below…

You deserve the life and business of your dreams. Dedicate Friday 1st April to making it happen.


I can’t wait for you to join me.


Michelle x 

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